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Khloe Kardashian DENIES rumor that she's seeing another NBA player after Tristan Thompson's cheating. Junior Andre looks trendy in a two-tone pink jacket while celebrating with fans as his debut single Slide hits No1 in UK's iTunes pop chart Jennifer Aniston reveals her appearance on the last episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show was very 'bizarre' and 'sad' 'What a stunner!' Eamonn Holmes' friends and fans gush over his rarely seen daughter, 31, in Royal Ascot snap as they celebrate her birthday TV gardener Daisy Payne shows one family how easy it is to bring wildlife into their garden (and you can too!)Īlyson Stoner checked herself into rehab after preparing for her Hunger Games audition to play Katniss Everdeen: 'I really needed help' Lady Victoria Hervey ditches her risqué looks for a demure white lace dress while Georgia Toffolo wows in a cream blazer suit for the final day of Royal Ascot Love Island boy 'left stunned as he's dumped in shock twist - and he has ALREADY left the villa following bombshell Danica Taylor's arrival'ĭuchess of Cambridge's sister Pippa Middleton steps out wearing loose midi dress amid rumours she is pregnant with her third child

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